BUJHSS is an HEC Recognized "Y" Category Journal
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The BUJHSS takes allegations of misconduct pre-publication and post-publication seriously. The Editorial Board is committed to correcting the literature when needed and following through on requests from institutional investigations. Any complaints concerning the review process and work with the editors of an issue and complaints concerning the post-publication of an article (1. appeals of editorial decisions by the authors, and 2. complaints about publication ethics, errors, or scholarly misconduct) should be addressed to Dr. Sahar Afshan (Editor in Chief) at bujhss.bukc@bahria.edu.pk
Complaints from readers who may respond to published articles are carefully considered, and a reply will be sent to them. Please use the email provided on the site to send complaints (bujhss.bukc@bahria.edu.pk). In case readers inform the editors about necessary corrections, plagiarism, or publications' ethics that the editors were not aware of, the editors take further action (see Corrections and Retraction underneath)
The BUJHSS has mechanisms for correcting, revising, or retracting articles after publication in case there is clear evidence that the findings are unreliable (untrue or the result of fabrication of data/falsification/ manipulation); in case plagiarism was detected after publication; in case redundant publication of material has been discovered; in case of reports (that prove true) about
unethical research; in case the peer review process has been compromised in any way; in case the author(s) failed to disclose a major conflict of interest that was hidden from the editor(s) and the reviewers
In case only short corrections are needed, the article will be modified by the author, approved by the editor, and republished in the online form, with mention of the date of correction in the article. Correction in the printed issue is no longer possible, but a Note regarding the respective correction will appear in the next printed issue.
In case of retraction, the article will be withdrawn from the site, and the mention of ‘Retracted’ will appear instead. In the printed issue of the next volume, a Note will specify that the respective article was retracted.
Data Sharing Policy
At BUJHSS, we advance discovery by publishing trusted research, supporting the development of new ideas and championing open science. We also aim to facilitate compliance with research funder and institution requirements to share data. Data availability statements should include information on what data are available, where these can be found, and any applicable access terms. This applies to original and reused data, whether or not data can be shared publicly.
We recognise it is not always possible to share research data publicly, for instance, when the privacy of research participants could be compromised. In such instances, data availability should still be stated in the manuscript, along with any conditions for access.