BUJHSS is an HEC Recognized "Y" Category Journal
About US
The ‘BUJHSS’ is a Refereed Biannual Journal having an Advisory Panel from subject specialist of diverse academic platforms. The Journal welcomes articles in all areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Journal employs double blind and peer reviewed process. Its primary goal is to provide a platform to academicians and researchers from diversified disciplines of study to publish their papers in one source. ‘BUJHSS’ accepts original research articles, review articles and book reviews for publication.
To bring quality to the published work in BUJHSS, we have established an internationally renowned large Advisory/Review Board. In order to ensure that the research published is filtered through double-blind peer review process, it is also put through desk evaluation under the Editor thereby ensuring accuracy, clarity and quality to the work published.
In order to ensure research dissemination, besides a print version of the journal we are also maintaining an electronic archive of the published articles available in the downloadable form.