BUJHSS is an HEC Recognized "Y" Category Journal
Review & Publication Policy
Peer Review Process
All manuscripts should be proof read as per guidelines for authors.
Every manuscript submitted to BUJHSS is initially evaluated at Editor’s desk in accordance with Journal Publishing guidelines and Aims and Scope of the journal. This decision (acceptance/Rejection) is communicated to the author within one month of submission. Finding it suitable for sending to the next stage of peer review process, manuscript is then independently reviewed by at least two reviewers (Foreign or /and local) in the form of "double-blind review". Decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon their Review reports. Authors must incorporate the suggestions (changes) recommended by the reviewers and Editor in order to get their article published. It takes approximately 2 months however it could be earlier or later than that as well due to reviewers’ other professional commitments. BUJHSS aims to expedite the publishing process and do not let its authors be delayed. In certain cases, the editor may submit an article for review to another, third reviewer before making a decision, if necessary. The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept or reject the paper.
Ethical Guidelines
Papers must be submitted with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or thesis) and are not currently under consideration by another journal published by or any other publisher. The submitting (corresponding) author is responsible for ensuring that the article's publication has been approved by all the other co-authors. It is also the authors' responsibility to ensure that the articles emanating from a particular institution are submitted with the approval of the necessary institution. Only an acknowledgment from the editorial office officially establishes and confirms the date of receipt. Further correspondence and proofs will be sent to the corresponding author(s) before publication unless otherwise indicated. It is a condition for submission of a paper that the authors permit editing of the paper for readability. All enquiries concerning the publication of accepted papers should be addressed to bujhss.bukc@bahria.edu.pk
Authors will submit manuscripts through online submission system by registring at https://bujhss.bahria.edu.pk/index.php/ojs/ with the undertaking that they are original, unpublished works not being submitted elsewhere.