Impact of Personality Traits on Buying Behaviors


  • Wajiha Saghir
  • Naveed Naseem Siddiqui
  • Qaiser Zaman



Big Five, Personality, Traits, Compulsive, Buying, Impulsive, Behavior


The objective of this research study is to assess the influence of big five personality traits on impulsive and compulsive buying behaviors of consumers. Each individual has its own personality features that define his/her buying behavior, so marketers can make segments of people according to their personality characteristics and promote their products/services separately for those segments. This research study is correlational, and has been done by using primary and secondary data. For primary data, questionnaires were given to 300 participants, and for secondary data, the articles, journals and research papers available on authentic websites were used. Different SPSS tools, like correlation and regression were applied for the integration of collected data. The data analysis and comparative outcomes evidently recommended that personality traits like extraversion and neuroticism are positively correlated with impulsive buying behavior, whereas agreeableness, conscientiousness and intellect are negatively related. While significant negative relation has been observed for the association of these traits with compulsive buying behavior, except for extraversion which is positively related. The conclusions of the research study might help the marketers to segment their consumers on the basis of their big five personality traits and do promotional tactics according to these segments, so that the sales and market share would drastically increase. Further, this research would guide other researchers in future researches.




How to Cite

Wajiha Saghir, Naveed Naseem Siddiqui, & Qaiser Zaman. (2021). Impact of Personality Traits on Buying Behaviors. Bahria University Journal of Humanities &Amp; Social Sciences, 2(2), 22.


